1909: No Place for Bulldogs in a City – New York Times

Topics of the Times
No Place for Bulldogs in a City

New York Times
December 14, 1909

Topics of The Times
No Place for Bulldogs in a City
Hardly a month passes that the papers do not have to record the infliction of death or serious injury upon somebody by a bulldog or a bull terrier. A particularly horrible illustration of what one of these animals can do when it’s usually well-controlled ferocity gets out of bounds and is misdirected was presented yesterday in our account of the killing by a big bulldog of Carl Limpert
Precisely what followed will never be known, but presumably the dog fastened upon the man’s throat and held on after the manner of his kind till the end came. That no sounds were heard by the other people in the house is not very remarkable, since bulldogs do their work silently, and Limpert, seized as he was, would be able to make no outcry and would quickly be rendered too weak to struggle…

Now the bulldog … his intelligence, through no fault of his own, is somewhat below the canine average; he has been trained to fight for generations, not only to fight, but to kill, and he is armed for desperate encounters…

The bulldog is out of place in most conditions of modern life … in towns and cities he is a menace to the public safety and should be suppressed. Nobody with near neighbors has a right to keep such an animal. – New York Times

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